Saturday, December 17, 2016

seven months of mae

All she wants for Christmas is her two front teeth... to stop hurting!

Mae has been a bit miserable with teething the last few days, so we could barely coax a smile for photos today. Every time I tried to take the sticker out of her mouth, she burst into tears!

She spiked a fever Tuesday, and her top two front teeth emerged Thursday so hopefully she'll be feeling better soon. Her sleep patterns have been all out-of-whack with teething, a rough cold, and being moved from the pack in play in our room to her own crib this month. Hopefully we will get to sleep more than a couple hours at a time again soon.

Last week she started at a new day care. We were so sad to leave the wonderful teachers at her previous location; they taught her so much about bottles and pacifiers and napping and everything! However, the new place is much more convenient for us, and Mae was ready to graduate rooms anyways since she has become mobile! She hasn't quite figured out how to incorporate her legs into her crawling motion, though she is starting to scrunch up her knees and push off with her feet a bit more. She is much better at sitting now and doesn't need her arms for support.

Her diet now includes rice cereal, sweet potatoes, peaches, pears, and squash. She has also tried peanut butter and eggs (trying to introduce potential allergens early). Last week I put a few tiny chunks of avocado on her high chair tray (she has learned to tolerate the tray since last month). She picked them up in her palm but couldn't figure out how to get them out of her closed fist when she brought her hand to her mouth. I put a few bits in her mouth, and she promptly spit them out with a disgusted look of "Mom, how could you betray me like this?" She had a similar reaction to carrots today and wouldn't calm down until Dan bribed her with peaches (her favorite food by far). Frankly, I agree with her on cooked carrots. So gross.

We celebrated 7 months with a trip to the aquarium for Dan's work group's Christmas party. Even though she had been fussy all day, Mae loved the action and attention of a big party!

Happy 7 months, baby girl! (I am starting to understand why people say "they grow up too fast.")

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